

This is a test of the emergency broadcast association...your loving wife can't keep up on the blog...so get on it!

But really I just wanted to say that Nate has been catering to me all week and hasn't had time between helping me and job hunting to get anything else done. I love you honey!

I know I am not taking phone calls and you can all yell at me but I am feeling slightly swamped and disorganized...things will get better right?

Love you all and miss you terribly.


Matt-n-Jef said...

Get over yourself GIRL!!! He has catered to you and your still whining? Blah Blah Blah!!!!
We should all be so lucky to live in the lap of luxury and be catered to.

Jen said...

I can't wait for Nate to start blogging. Get on it, Nate!

Ang, good luck, and drop us a note about school when you get the time.

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

How's school goin? We sure don't want the blogs to stop now that you are so busy! Lets see what you've got Nate- its got to be better than us! (I helped the parents start a blog today so they should be up and running soon!)

Ang said...

Jef - don't make me come kick your ass!

This weekend I will catch you all up on how things are going.

Sheryl said...

And...we can't wait for the update. I'm sure it will get better before it gets worse. ;-}

Tiff and Trev said...

We're all anxious to see how Ang is doing with school...and happy (and maybe a little surprised) that Nate is helping out so much. Just kidding, Nate. We love and miss you guys a ton!

Steph Thompson said...

No worries gal, we will just continue to call you off the hook and harass you!