
Bye, bye bush

I know the bush might look OK from the picture but believe me it was an eyesore, totally infested with these stupid little flying bugs. I think they were some sort of weevil or pure evil! The before picture. During the transition...oh yes there were power tools involved! The bush on the right is a lilac bush and apparently the bugs do not like it.

And viola...after! We put in a hibiscus below the window, let's hope I don't kill it, and a bird feeder (to try to lure the cute cardinals into staying in our yard). So far the birds are not taking the bait and I'm sure once they start coming it won't be the pretty cardinals, blue jays or finches but the dumb old robins or even better the stupid ravens!

This was a lovely view from my kitchen window I was able to catch...savor it because these two can be quite feisty!


Sheryl said...

Awesome job! If this doctor thing doesn't work out, I have decided you should go on Design Star. You can do either inside or outside design. You are equally talented. I particularly love the view from the kitchen window. Those are some really pretty decorations.

Jen said...

I hate evil bugs, so I am glad you got rid of the bush. I am also glad that they do not like your lilac as I love lilacs! Nothing smells quite as good as lilacs. Too bad they only bloom for a couple of weeks.

Also, a very cute picture of the girls. I need you to e-mail me some pictures of the girls, and a recent family photo if you have one. The one that I have of your girls in my living room is at least 4 years old.

Steph Thompson said...

Well you may have temporarily stopped the evil weevil situation! Where is your seagull now!ha ha ha (in evil voice)! This is only the beginning.....

Matt-n-Jef said...

LOL... I thought you meant President Bush... good riddens to both!!!

Denise said...

I am with mother....Design Star it is :)

Tilley/Booth said...

Just for that I'm sending my festation of earwigs to you via mail. You guys have done an amazing job!

Ang said...

Your empty threats do not scare me! I have purchased a few chemical sprays and am on constant watch.

And, yes, goodbye President Bush and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Steph Thompson said...

I also like the idea of it being president bush! Can you use the chemical sprays there?

Shelly said...

Your yard looks better than ours and we've been here 6 years!! It appears Nathan has too much time on his hands!!