

Thanksgiving November 27, 2008 with the Barne's Family

We started off our dinner with a "Cheers to our first Thanksgiving in Erie!"

Then the feasting began, we decided this year to let the kids sit at the grown up table as seating was a "non" issue at our home this year!

And then we just kept on eating, yum! I am tooting my own horn here but this may have been the best meal I have ever made or eaten in my life, it is the first year I did not have a list of things I wanted to change for next year, I may have to retire my cooking mitts!

Liv got crazy chugging some grapple cider.

I made the pies and the girls made some wonderful chocolate truffles.

Then the desserts made their debut and we proceeded to stuff our faces some more.

This pretty little face was not happy to get her picture taken but I did it anyways!

Then we teamed up and got crazy with the ginger bread, Liv's and Nate's creation is above, and mine and Lexi's is below. We were bummed that Aunt Julie wasn't here to entertain our kids with her cool ginger bread house kits but we managed!

Now it's all over, our bellies are still so full we can hardly walk and I may just roll myself to bed to sleep it off! Tonight I will dream about working my Mii out tomorrow to minimize the damage!
We miss you all and hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too. Love you!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We missed you guys so much!! We also stuffed our faces and the kids made a gingerbread house. We are not opposed to having Thanksgiving in Erie one of these years!! Your food looked delicious. Love you guys!!

Shelly said...

I'm so glad that you guys had such a great Thanksgiving. I think your gingerbread house out did ours this year... we'll post pictures soon to compare!!

We missed you guys this year!!

Sheryl said...

It sounds like you had a very nice, mello day. Your table decorations were wonderful and your dinner did look good enough to eat!

We had a very nice day at the Murray's. We got started a little late waiting for dad a Joyce to get there. Apparently dad had to chase some of the wild cattle out of the house before they could leave home. More to come when I get home to blog it

Jen said...

We missed you at the Murray's yesterday! There was a great comment made that I will e-mail to you privately. We did get to hear a lot from grandpa about the military construction project behind his house and the death threats that have been carved onto a leaf on one of his trees. Also, the buffalo and wild cattle in his house. I find the stories entertaining, but I know that it really disturbs him so that makes me sad.

I do want to know how you cooked your perfect turkey. Mom told me about a great sale at Albertson's on turkeys, so I currently have one sitting in my freezer.

Love you guys and miss you,

Denise said...

Again you have managed to make me jealous. This sounds silly, but based off of your blog I would think your life in Erie is perfect! You guys look lovely and it seems like you had a great time! I love you all so much.

Tilley/Booth said...

Im not sure why you always have to be so classy? You all look great as well as your home and the food! We missed you so much! If it makes you feel any better we talked about you alot...and Jef called me Angela a couple of times. I think he just wanted you there with us!

Ang said...

I miss everyone!!!

Denise said...

Ok Jo hit the nail on the head. You are always so damn classy! You always have the damn table set and the outfit on etc. I need a little of you in my life ha ha.

Ang said...

You know that I am not classy just look at my slipper socks in the picture! Besides when there are only 4 people eating Thanksgiving dinner together it is easy to do a pretty table setting!

N and J said...

Glad to know they celebrate T-Day in Erie...Will miracles ever cease? The dinner looked great but how did you survive the peace and quiet. There must have been a bizillion at Tiff's house,guests that is. You have never experienced food both in quantity and quality until you have shared a feast with the Canadians. Talk about yummie. However Ang's comment about tooting something took on a whole new meaning. Wish we could have been with you for the holiday. You will never know how much each of you are missed. Luv ya tons===

Grandmajoann said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
We had a pretty fantastic Thanksgiving at Julie's and I am so thankful she is willing to have it at her house each year. We had 30 family members there and we had a ball. Danielle, and Jeremy and his family came, and their kids are darling. Their kids played with Steph and Brians and they all got along well. We missed you guys, as well as Sarah, and Cyndi's family. Rick was not able to come due to a Doctors appt. on Friday. We wish him well after that appt. It was nice meeting Henry. Jef and Matt came home in a darling BMW Convertible, I am envious of. It has been very nice having them here again. And when we will ever have that many together again, I just can't imagine. Fun, Fun, Fun all day. I came home so stuffed and tired I could not even think!

Tiff and Trev said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Wish we could have spent the day with you guys, but it sounds like you had plenty of good eats! It looked so pretty too! I can make food that tastes good....but it doesn't always look that nice! Love you guys!

Marc T. said...

It wasn't the same without you. Miss you guys, like Norm said, it was kinda crazy at the house, but fun as well.