I can almost hear the Christmas music now...oh wait, they are probably already playing it in the stores! I guess it is a good thing Nate spent the day putting all our patio/bbq stuff in the storage shed yesterday because it is snowing! I am still hoping we get at least a couple more days in the next month of really nice fall weather without any wind. I am not ready for this cold weather yet. I think it is so funny that the locals here keep telling us how horrible the winters are and we keep telling them that we are from Utah and are pretty familiar with snow, and they shake their heads and laugh. We will see shortly how they compare, whether we are ready or not.
I have been trying to get a picture (not really trying very hard) of the blue jays that have been frequenting our yard this past month. Five of them were out this afternoon swooping from tree to tree, this one looked as if it was checking out the bird feeder but didn't take the bait, at least he gave me a chance to video him for a second. I love birding!