
Just a boring update

Just checking in. Not much has been going on other than the same old thing. I am still beating my brains against the books and my laptop most days looking for every reason to quit school.... just can't think of anything else better to do! We have finished covering the basic "core" sciences and are now starting into the courses that they consider "systems" based, which combines each of our core science courses (like biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology and all the rest) and integrates them into each human body system. So the systems that we will cover before this year ends are musculoskeletal, neuroscience and clinical neuroscience. (I really can't wait for summer.)

We also have a course that runs the entire length of this semester that covers learning to take a thorough history and physical exam of patients. Yay we get to use our really expensive new medical equipment!! We just took our first exam this week which consisted of playing doctor. People from the community volunteer to come in one of the schools functioning medical clinics and pretend they are sick and we are tested on everything from how we enter the room to asking the right questions, professional conduct and various humanistic criteria, etc. I was, as usual, extremely nervous. A physician sits in and grades you (you have to pretend they are not there) while you interview your patient and try to figure out a diagnosis. I had a really nice older gentleman, and despite being nervous had a really fun time talking to him. When he asked where I was from he wanted to know all about you mormons, he was in the army with a few "jack" mormons and was quite curious and despite all my efforts to steer the conversation to his pretend illness he kept asking questions! As most of you know I love a good religious discussion but... it was neither the time nor the place. I am interested to get the perspective of the physician who graded me on how I handled the conversation as this is a great example of having to separate your personal life from your professional life. At any rate the course is a nice change of pace from the other subjects and next week we will be learning the basics of taking a physical exam and then adding to it with each body system that we cover from now until the end of our second year. FYI I suspect my patient probably had pneumonia.

Nate had a couple of really good interviews last week. We will see if what they offer is worth taking, of course it is all a waiting game so.... I guess we will wait and see! He is being super picky but I know it will all pay off in the end, keep it up honey!

Lex had her last basketball game last Saturday with the recreation team and will be trying out for the school soccer team in a couple weeks. I can't believe we are even thinking about soccer with a foot of new snow on the ground and nothing but cold in the forecast for the... forever, but I guess they practice on an indoor court until the weather cooperates. Wish her luck, not that she needs it.

Liv had another dance competition this past weekend and Nate and I being the really super prepared parents that we are jumped in the car at 8:30 Saturday morning drove 45 minutes to the event in New York and were quite puzzled as we pulled into an empty parking lot. Nate checked his blackberry for the schedule and we THEN realized that the competition was on Sunday. So we made the drive again the very next day... doh! It's always a good idea to have a dry run! But we never get tired of watching her shake her groove thang on stage so it was all worth it.

The dogs are unruly as usual. Baby's wound's (yes that was plural) are healing. We are trying out some new training techniques with Bella so she will hopefully realize that eating baby is not acceptable behavior in this family! I mean, this dog is DO -MIN-AT-ING... for all the wrong reasons. (Seriously you should see her chest! Ha, ha) And, yes Jen, the trainer recommended spraying Baby's legs with the bitter apple spray!! Dang dog! (I just keep telling myself that two dogs was a wonderful idea).

Sorry for the mini novel, I guess I got carried away!


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that everyone is doing great including baby.

Denise said...

That sounds so fun playing doctor ha ha. They did that on Grey's Anatomy once so I know what you are talking about. Let us know how you were scored.

Nate, good luck and I hope you get something awesome!

As usual I am proud of both of the girls. Good luck Lex with the soccer team I am sure you will be great. And I am glad Liv was able to do a dry run ha ha!

You better tell Belly to knock that crap off or you are gonna ship her out here to duke it out with Butchie. Is baby traumatized? I am worried.

Ang said...

Baby pretty much hides from her ALL day long. It is really sad.

We have to re-teach Bella that Baby is the dominant dog in the house which is really hard at this point because Baby won't stand up for herself anymore. So we have to do things like feed Baby first, greet her first, pet her before we pet Bella, make Bella sit or down before we plat with her etc, etc. It is exhausting really. It is really cute though because Liv is obsessive about it and won't pet Bella until she finds Baby when she gets home from school first.

Bella whines to play with her but Baby doesn't even want to anymore and then Bella whines some more! AHHHH!!!!! I love my two dogs, I love my two dogs!

Ang said...

I meant play not plat!

Matt-n-Jef said...

Sounds like the problem we have with Emily and the way she treated Bryce. Hence the reason we are scared to get another dog. She is so sad and wimpering all the time though, now that Bryce is gone. We are very conflicted and don't know what to do. Obviously she needs to be trained how not to bite into other dogs.. If you find a way to stop that let me know. Am searching the internet to find out how to train her to be a better friend.

Ang said...

What we are doing is totally working it is just going to take another couple of weeks of diligence and making sure we continue to follow through with some basic things. But Bella is a puppy that just started acting this way 2 weeks ago so I think it will be relatively easy for us to correct the behavior now. It may be a quite a bit more challenging with Emily just because this is the way she is used to interacting with other dogs. It is most common between two female dogs, lucky us. It is do-able just extremely time consuming right now!

Jen said...

I can't even imagine having to deal with 2 dogs right now, as my 1 dog is demanding all of my attention at all times. I am late for work almost every day because we have to play tug of war for every article of clothing that I try to put on. I wish you continued success with your submissiveness training!

I have been checking the blog about every 10 minutes hoping to find that Nate has been offered a fabulous job, so remember that the blog is the first order of business when that glorious day comes.

Good luck to you all with school, work, and sports. You guys are so busy that just reading about it wears me out!

Grandmajoann said...

I am so glad you posted something about Nate and his interviews. I have been wondering. I do hope he lands a great job. AND I am so happy that I don't have to put up with any dogs, or behavior. I am just too darn old to want to do that. Liv and Lexie are two beautiful girls. I miss all of you. And, what can I say to you, Angie. You still amaze me. Good luck and don't you dare quit!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but soccer tryouts are in like three weeks not one but o well.

love you

Sheryl said...

Thanks for the not-so-boring update. You have to know that even if you think it is mundane, we all love some kind of an update.

Your lives are way more exciting than anything going on here in Mesa.

I have purchased Cesar's Way for all of you with new dogs. As soon as they arrive here they will be on the way to you all. We love the Dog Whisperer!

Ang said...

We definitely need more whispering and less yelling, "LEAVE IT"!!!

Shelly said...

It's so good to get an update from you... I'm glad that you are going to school to be a Dr. Ang, I would have dropped out before I started!!

Good Luck with your job hunt Nate, I'm sure you will land something Fabulous!!

We already know that Lexi will do great with her soccer tryouts, and we can't wait to see more video of Liv dancing.

Glad you guys have the dogs to deal with, two kids is enough for me!!

Tiff and Trev said...

Thanks for the update! Sounds like you guys have been busy! I'm glad that you are getting to learn how to use all of your equipment....that sounds like fun! Have you used the fam as guinea pigs yet?

Good luck, Lex with the soccer tryouts!! You're right, Ang, she probably doesn't need it!

Good luck to Nate, too!

And Liv...I wish I could shake it as good as you :o)

Denise said...

I am sorry but the visual of Jen's dog that comes to my mind when she is tugging at her clothes is making me laugh so hard.

Your dog is so naughty LOL.

N and J said...

Angie, when you look back on this part of your life 30 years from now you will be refering to them as "the good ole days." Just take one day at a time and enjoy it to the fullest. You have a loving family who not only loves you but believes in you. You will make the best of this experience because that is who you are. Hope Nate finds a job he can't wait to go to each day. You both have sacrificed much to get where you are and deserve the best. The girls continue to amaze us with their talents and beauty. Love ya all===

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed by your diligence in medical school. I am drowning with my masters program, which is not nearly as intense. And I certainly don't have children's games and competitions to attend. Very impressive.