
The past week

Well here is what we are still dealing with in Erie.

I took these today and as you can see we still have plenty of snow. We did warm up a little and the wall of snow melted a little but we have a ways to go. Yes we are those trashy people that still have our Christmas lights up... I am sorry, but my skin hurts just thinking about going outside so they may stay up until Easter!

Another issue we are dealing with is a roof leak, it has been leaking for two weeks! If the door doesn't get shut the dogs really like drinking out of the bowl.

As you can see we have some really nice water damage. This particular part of the roof that is leaking the previous owners must have had some damage and did a real first rate repair job.

Here is the roof situation so it appears we have quite awhile until it all melts, have we mentioned how much we hate winter?

In other news, do any of you remember one of Liv's first worst day's ever? If you are trying to figure it out it is the one in Mexico! Her newly pierced left ear got a really nasty infection and we finally decided after a year of monkeying with it to let it grow back. From time to time she still wears an earring in the right ear, it cracks me up, but Wednesday she decided to get the left redone. She chose some beautiful little "diamond" studs! Wish the left ear some luck!

Bella has been hard at work trying to learn how to be a good girl. She is really good girl... sometimes. And Baby gets treats just for being the baby.

There really is nothing sweeter than snuggling the pooches on the couch.

Lex has been MIA this week, busy as ever with school dances, bball practice and snowboarding. We are gearing up for her 13th birthday next week that just so happens to be Friday the 13th this year! I may be more excited about the theme then Lex!

I guess the dogs rule these days. First Bella, then Shady lady and now Connie Francis! At this point the dogs out number the children in my family, we may be truly sick!


Shelly said...

First of all, I will never again complain about Utah weather.

Liv, I think bad luck with ear piercing runs in the family. Kylee had to get her ears pierced twice as well. I love the new 'diamond' studs!!

You guys have quite the knack and patience with dogs, I'm impressed.

If it makes you feel any better we're still sporting the Christmas lights as well!!

Sheryl said...

The snow is ridiculous, and Bellie is huge. I seriously can't believe how fast she has grown. I certainly do hope she never figures out that Baby gets free treats. You could be in trouble.

That roof situation looks nasty. Have you called any one to come and look at it? That's kind of scary.

And last but certainly not least....Liv did it hurt?

thebeaver said...

I love the belly and the baby and Lexy, Livy, Angie, and Nate!!

Jen said...

I'm not happy about your roof situation. Leaky roofs are one of my phobias, and I wouldn't be able to sleep until it was fixed. I'm sorry about it!

Nate, would you like to come and train my dog? It looks like you are a really good dog trainer, and Shady needs som manners.

Grandmajoann said...

That was a huge post! Thanks for telling us of all that stuff. Liv you look adorable with your diamond studs. And, it only hurt for a minute huh! Nate you look like a real good dog trainer. Maybe you could get a job in that field. Haha.
What dances has Lex been to. What a busy girl she is. And I'm sure she is loving it.

Ang said...

The roof got worse over night, it warmed up a bit out there and we woke up to a small pond on the floor of the bathroom with multiple drips! FABULOUS!! There is still so much ice on the roof I don't think one "warm" day will melt it.

Shady don't want manners! Bella is great for the few minutes she practices her tricks and the rest of the day wreaks havoc at every corner... she just loves to be bad.

Grandma - Lex has just been going to the Middle school dances, they are much cooler then my Jr. high days. They always have refreshments and activities and games. They had one of those velcro walls one time and a basketball contests another, it is always something different.

Sheryl said...

You guys need to call someone about the roof. They can shovel it, melt the snow or whatever, but you can't just wait until warmer weather. It is probably leaking around some kind of vent, and it WILL only get worse.

Multiple leaks means that it is running around in the attic space and your insurance may get nasty if they think you were negligent in getting it repaired.

Tiff and Trev said...

Geese...that's a LOT of snow! I won't tell you that my whole back yard has melted and the front has just a tiny bit of snow :o).

I think I want one of the noise makers Nate is using with Bells. Maybe it will work for my kids?! They need to go to obedience school too!

I'm glad that Lexi's school dances are fun...sounds much better than the ones we had for sure!

Love you guys! Hope you survive the leak!

Denise said...

I love the ears Liv!

It is way sick that dogs out number children!

And Baby getting treats for being alive is hilarious.

Love you guys!!