
Learning to Blog

Well I guess I have to learn how to blog now! Marc showed me how to set it up and I have been obsessing over it for an hour now with very little progress. Nate is giving me NO feedback and at this point the sleeping baby is more help.

Much more to come as we are excited for our move to Pennsylvannia and to share it with anyone who might be interested.


Denise said...

You are now a blogger! But you better keep up with this cause I will be checking like everyday. It will definately be a good way to keep in touch. Love you xoxoxo

Eve said...

Testing. One. Two. Three. Testing. This is only a test. =}

Tiff and Trev said...

I'm glad the peer pressure has worked! We miss you guys already and you haven't even left yet! Good thing I'll be able to blog-stock you guys :o).

Tiff and Trev said...

You did it!! It looks great, it will be a great way to keep up with you guys. We will miss you. P.S. We are in Polly Pocket H*ll right now!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great! Thanks for sharing the girls with us today. We are going to miss you guys! Please keep us updated with your lives!!

Tara and Wes

thebeaver said...

For the record I am interested! I Love you guys and if you need anything...Please...speak up. XOXO

Marc T. said...

See, I Told You This Was Easy To Do!

BTW - Tiff was signed in when Shelly left the Polly Pocket comment, so it's us not Tiff that's in Polly Pocket H*LL.

We Love You Guys and are gonna miss ya! At least we can watch what's happenin' in Dr. Angie's family.


Jessica said...

Its really not that hard, If I can do it the med tudent can!

Anonymous said...

this is an awesome blog mom!! me and liv are so proud of you for getting into medical school!!!! thanks for being such a great mom

love your dauters!!!
p.s. and yes that means baby too!!!!