
Test Results

For those who asked about how my tests went, I have only got back results from one. But it was the one I was really nervous about. It was our first neuroanatomy exam on sensory pathways and I had been studying my butt off and freaking out that I was not going to pass (because I barely passed the last course by the skin of my nose - passing is a 70%). I did much better than I thought I would so I am really pleased, so I am going to TRY to be a little more relaxed for our final exam in two weeks on the motor pathways.

The course is designed to teach the anatomy of the brain and spinal cord and all the nerve pathways and then connect that with clinically relevant presentations of lesions or tumors at any given point. I was doing okay on understanding the anatomy and pathways but was really struggling to understand how to diagnose a lesion based on a patient presenting with certain symptoms. At any rate it all worked out!!! (Nate is about ready to kick my butt because I am in continual freak out mode - I also told him I was not pleased that he posted those lovely pictures of me and he better watch out for some equally unflattering pictures of himself in the future!).

The other exam was a practical where we had to perform a physical exam on a standardized patient and report our findings to the physician observing us. We have only learned four types of exams so far, and they picked one at random for us to perform as we arrived. You get two grades on this, one from the physician on technique and thoroughness of procedures and one from the patient on humanistic aspects. I think it went really well, the only thing I forgot to do was introduce myself!!! I am such an idiot I came in the room said hello, made some chit chat and explained the exam I was about to do when she stopped me to ask my name... oh well if there was one thing to forget I guess that would be the one. Only 51 days left until freedom, but who is counting!!


Sheryl said...

Yea! Congratulations. I was sure you were going to do fine, and I am happy to report that I was right!

It must be horrible to live your life in freak-out mode. I can't imagine the pressure you are under, and I am incredibly proud of you.

I will be waiting for the photos of Nate to giggle at.

Sheryl said...

For some reason my comment posted twice, so I deleted one.

Ang said...

I do have a picture and I really want to post it of him in one of his wife beater tankies sitting on the couch.... the only thing that would make it better is if he would have been slurping down some spaghetti noodles!!! I don't dare, he would kill me!

Denise said...

Congrats to you my love!

Incidentally, Brian saw that picture of you and said me and you look exactly alike....he said he is glad you don't live here he might not be able to tell us apart. So as much as you hate the picture just know I am equally as attractive or ugly :)

Shelly said...

Yeah, Congratulations, you always do well!! I'm always in freak out mode and I have nothing to be freaked out about, maybe it's a girl thing!!

I thought the pictures that Nate posted of you were great, but I know what you mean. Marc has to check with me before he posts any pictures of me, some of the pictures he's posted have been TERRIBLE. I think you look Fabulous no matter what!!

~Cynthia~ said...

I'm glad to hear the tests are going well, but sorry to hear you are always in stress mode. It is not a fun way to live.

My kids live with me in that mode all the time, as everything that takes me away from work causes me stress and worry that I'm not going to make enough money to pay the bills...and then the house not ever being clean enough because I'm always working stresses me out even more.

I wouldn't be too hard on Nate about your pictures. I would give anything if I looked in my best moments like you do in your worst moments. You are just naturally pretty no matter what state of cleanliness or dress you are in.

Ang said...

One of my other problems... I think I may be a chronic complainer! I have got to be more positive!!

Julie said...

Congrats on the tests. Am I being a little too harsh on the doctors here!?

Ang said...

I don't think most of us are to "harsh" on our doctors. There is so much that needs to be changed about our healthcare system that to many of us have more bad experiences than good. I can tell you after nearly a year of medical school, that the amount of information we are required to know is daunting to me. I question myself everyday that I will not be able to truly help my patients because I won't remember everything!

It is also obvious to me that the majority of the individuals in medical school are very self absorbed (which I think is the reason for most of us having a bad experience with our doctors), there are a minority of us here that have really been humbled by some of lifes challenges and are still incredibly grateful that we have made it this far. That being said, we are all starting to realize why doctors get paid well and have some arrogance, the amount of B.S. we have to put up with does give you a sense of entitlement and a frustration with unrealistic patient expectations.

We should all realize that physicians are human too and, for the most part, just doing the best they can, doesn't mean some of them aren't still big fat jerks but the world is full of jerks, you just can't get around that! I also think patients need to play a more active role in their care and well being. I still have years to go but that is a snap shot of my opinion today... tomorrow I could feel totally different!

Kellie said...

Lol, you lost me in just understanding what your studying! Good luck!

Sheryl said...

Very well said, Ang.