
The Good and The Bad

The Good:

Lex made the Honor Roll... Congrats to her!
.......and the soccer team today..... Congrats to her again!

The Bad:

When you mess with your locker the locker always wins.... Lex lost this round and as a consolation prize won a trip to the ER and some stitches. She is quite the trooper because we went straight from the ER to the last day of soccer tryouts, you gotta admire her hustle!

Jen, I considered calling animal control on the locker but I was not willing to risk Lex getting quarantined!


Jen said...

Well if the Davis County Animal Control had anything to say about it Lex would definitely be quarantined for the next 2 weeks.

We need more information about this. Where are the stitches and how many?

Lex, I'm sorry about your pain, but congrats on making the soccer team.

Ang said...

She sliced her thumb on the edge of her locker. Her and some friends were messing around next to it and her thumb got in the way, she needed three stitches and is very glad that she doesn't need her hands for soccer.

Anonymous said...

well w weren messing aroung next to the locker it was more in the locker fighting over something in it hahaa.

thanks Jen

and i think its only 2 stiches he almost did three.

Ang said...

Lex you really need that thumb to help you type! I guess when you close your eyes while the doctor puts the stitches in you really don't know!!

Anonymous said...

hahaa pshhhh nooooo i am lexi i dont need this thumb to type thats why i have two duhhh!!! u should kno this u are a docter. and yeah i never really noticed how much i really do need my thumb for things its hard lucky me its my left hand(:

Jen said...

Lex! No more messing around at your locker!

Maybe you need to go to a school like Dave and Bree's kids go to. They have to wear uniforms, and they have to be escorted through the halls from class to class in a single file line by their teachers with no talking. They aren't even allowed to goof around at lunch time. Clearly you are doing too much goofing off at school!

Denise said...

Congrats Lex! That is awesome. You are one talented cookie! And ouch....I hate stitches. I hope it didn't hurt too bad.

Ang said...

Denise I will never forget the tanning bed incident!!! It was a classic!

Tiff and Trev said...

Lex, congrats on the soccer team, that's AWESOME!!! You just keep impressing us! Sorry about the poor thumb...I've actually never had to get stitches! You're seriously a trooper though...still making it to soccer tryouts. Sounds like it paid off!

N and J said...

Lexi we hope you didn't do the thumb to get simpathy votes from the soccor coach. Just kidding! You will be a great addition to the team. I bet the injury won't hinder your guitar playing or using your cell phone. Good thinking Lexi. Take care of the locker by having one of those good looking guys help you with your books. We are sorry for any pain. Mommy will soon be able to do the stitching herself. Love ya

Alyssa Findlay said...

I had stitches in my knee in 6th grade. I couldn't even bend my knee whatsoever, and I had to dance at the city-county building for the olympics that week. It seriously felt like my stitches were ripping though my skin the whole time.

Anonymous said...

hahaa yeah i am no gonnna go to a school like that are u kidding me i would be kicked out i goof around and talk way to much!!

thanks everyone love you

Sheryl said...

Well, I am way late on the congratulations. Of course, the soccer team was in the bag from the get go. No way you weren't going to make that team!

And, when HAVEN"T you been on the honor roll? You are awesome. Two or three stitches would never slow you down.

On another note, our computer got attacked by a trojan worm, so we are out of commission for a while. Rick got it re-formatted, but for some reason the internet isn't working. (sigh)

N and J said...

Definetly the good and the bad. Ang, how did you handle the bad. My mom was a nurse, but she would fall apart if something happened to us. How well did you do??? Congrats to Lexi again on Honor roll and the Soccer team. Hope we get to see some video of it.

Megan said...

Hey...I am going to go private. I don't have your email to invite you so email it to me... meg.bass@yahoo.com (only if you want! :))

Jessica said...

What a talented girl, Hope the thumb gets better soon.

Steph Thompson said...

That awesome Lex!!! Not the thumb, the honor role and soccer! You are one talented and might I add gorgeous girl!!!!! Remember little grasshopper....though you may be strong, a metal locker will always kick your butt!

Anonymous said...

hahaa thanks Steph. but now i am a little bit afraid to get into my locker. yeah i got teased about getting beat by my locker haha